Leicestershire Music - Rock It Recorders
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Please complete the following form to register your interest in taking part in Rock-It Recorders, our exciting Recorder Whole Class Instrumental Tuition (WCIT) resource.

Please note: Do not use the back button on your browser/device as you may lose your response.
Q1Please provide the following contact details
Q2Are you happy for Leicestershire Music to retain your email address to notify you of any future musical activities? (You can withdraw this consent at any time by emailing LMcomms@leics.gov.uk, stating 'Withdraw' in the email subject line)
Q3Which resource are you interested in?
Q4Please confirm
Q5Please confirm this booking has been approved by your school Senior Leadership Team
Please note, we are no longer able to accept bookings if they have not been approved by your school senior leadership team.
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